Senior Care Guide

A senior care guide is a valuable resource that provides information and advice on a range of topics, including choosing the right care facility, managing finances, and navigating legal and healthcare issues.

Making the hard decisions about senior care a little bit easier.

It's a tough conversation to have with an aging parent - but there may come a time when you have to take care of the people who were always there to take care of you. The good thing is there is a wide range of home care options available, and getting informed about these options makes it easier to talk about the solutions that will allow your senior loved one to keep their independence.

This decision guide will help provide answers to the hard questions you're probably already asking yourself:

  • What are the common signs that mom or dad may have that signals they need help?
  • What is home care really like?
  • Which senior services can be provided in the home?
  • How does my family choose a caregiver for seniors?
  • Who pays for home care?
  • How do I go about making sure my loved one gets the right kind of help?